[kino] Revenge of George Lucas

Dmitri Krioukov dima at caida.org
Wed May 25 16:44:41 PDT 2005

i 100% agree. i can add that i expected
not bergman, no, but at least some remote
reflections of drama of degradation (of
a 'good guy' into a 'bad guy'). alas,
there was nothing there, nothing at all.
my favorite activity during the film
was to rest my eyes onto digital landscapes
on the background, but even they couldn't
last for more than few seconds, total
disaster. i'm about to stop watching
hollywood completely, which i should've
done long ago actually.

-----Original Message-----
From: kino-bounces at caida.org [mailto:kino-bounces at caida.org] On Behalf Of Vijay Samalam
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 4:07 PM
To: kino at caida.org
Subject: [kino] Revenge of George Lucas

George Lucas has puzzled me for a long time. I liked the first star wars movie. It did not take itself seriously at all which is
absolutely important for a movie where there are lines like "May the force be with you". You cannot say such lines with a straight
face. The only way you can do it is with a wink and a jab with the elbows. And he made tons of money with that movie. So it has
always been a mystery to me why he has then continued to inflict us with the horrible sequels finally culminating in the latest
atrocity. If you do not provide humor then you must provide good dialogue, superior acting, and a plot that is not meant for
retarded two year olds. I was thinking of suitable ways of expressing my scorn and contempt for the whole genre when who should do
it for me (and with such erudition and wit too ) than Anthony Lane of the New Yorker. So for your reading pleasure please see the
link below. It expresses my feelings exactly.
Vijay K Samalam
Executive Director
San Diego Supercomputer Center
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093
samalam at sdsc.edu

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