[scamper-announce] scamper-cvs-20230605

Matthew Luckie mjl at luckie.org.nz
Mon Jun 5 20:57:49 PDT 2023


SHA256 (scamper-cvs-20230605.tar.gz) = 63bb36e33cc22649c88cdfab1041b461ee8b3f29ab48714943ee4a17c1d0766b
SIZE (scamper-cvs-20230605.tar.gz) = 2208130

HEADSUP: if you previously used -e pidfile to record the pid of a
running scamper process, there is a good chance that the pidfile is
owned by root.  scamper now attempts to write this file using the uid
that started scamper, and will not be able to write it if scamper is
not started by root (it should not be, rather the scamper binary
should be setuid root).  Please delete the existing pidfile, or change
its ownership, prior to restarting scamper, or scamper will not start.

* write a process ID that the user that started scamper can kill
  in the pidfile when using privsep.
* when using privsep, exit the unprivileged process if the privileged
  process exits (is killed)
* run as real uid from the start of scamper, for both privsep and
* fix bug where attempting to open an unsupported datalink would
  leave a freed scamper_fd_t in the fd_tree and fd_list, leading to
  a crash.
* fix double free triggered when a user provides an invalid dealias
* fix memory leak if the payload was specified twice to ping or trace
* rework pollfunc selection logic, use kqueue/epoll by default.
* remove _malloc_options = "AJ" as this only works on unsupported
  versions of FreeBSD.
* add additional paramaters to attach command to allow the user
  to override list and cycle parameters, documented in manual page.
* catch EAGAIN/EINTR from select/kqueue/epoll to allow gdb to attach
  and detach without flagging errors.
* for DNS replies for host command, record reply flags and rcode.
* add support for SOA and NS queries in host.
* add a JSON output for host measurements.
* do not let scamper emit warts to a tty.  check for isatty in
* only allow -O and -z to be specified multiple times in a trace command
* only allow -O to be specified multiple times in a ping command
* split command parsing logic out from task probing logic.  add
  fuzzing cradle for parsing logic for all measurement types, and
  basic unit tests for dealias, ping, and trace parsing logic.
* autodetect output type by file extension if output type is not
  explicitly specified on the command line.

* remove all struct definitions from libscamperfile (e.g.
  scamper_trace, scamper_ping, scamper_addr, etc).  provide typedefs
  for each (scamper_trace_t) and _get() functions that return the
  field requested.  This change will allow hopefully allow
  libscamperfile's version to stabilize.  all scamper utilities now
  use these get functions.
* shift some functions that were previously implemented in
  libscamperfile into the one place they were used, if they were only
  used in (for example scamper / sc_analysis_dump / other scamper
  utility).  delete other functions that were not used anywhere in
  the public scamper release.

* fix bug by ensuring line_off is always valid after the read.
* catch EAGAIN from select.
* add kqueue support.
* add scamper_attp_* routines to allow applications to specify
  list and cycle parameters.
* for scamper_inst_do, take a parameter to keep with each task.
* add scamper_task_getparam function to get the parameter.
* add scamper_task_getcmd function to get the command associated with a task.
* use TYPE_FATAL instead of TYPE_ERR in application callback when
  scamper_inst_read encounters a fatal error, only use TYPE_ERR when
  scamper does not accept a command.

* new driver to conduct measurements (ping, trace, tracelb) to an
  address in each prefix.

* use scamper_file_t outfiles, add ability to write gz/bz2/xz files.
* ask for cycle-start and cycle-stop records, write them out.
* improve use of libscamperctrl.

* add support for VP geohints, document.
* silence -Wshadow.
* silence warnings related to assignments that are not used.

* fix memory leak when user specifies invalid command line options.

* ask for cycle-start and cycle-stop records, write them out.
* improve use of libscamperctrl.

* signal done to get cycle stop record.
* improve use of libscamperctrl.
* document remote socket option.

* use scamper_file_t outfiles, add ability to write gz/bz2/xz files.
* ask for cycle-start and cycle-stop records, write them out.
* improve use of libscamperctrl.

* catch EAGAIN from select.

* ask for cycle-start and cycle-stop records, write them out.
* improve use of libscamperctrl.

* silence -Wshadow.
* silence warnings related to assignments that are not used.
* fix memory leak in up_reboots_doone.

* fix memory leak with cycle start/stop records.
* emit json for host records.

* fix ability to write compressed warts files.
-------------- next part --------------
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