[kino] Since Otar left .....

Vijay Samalam samalam at sdsc.edu
Wed Mar 9 13:38:10 PST 2005

This movie with the awkward title is a French Georgian production set in
Tbilisi where all the characters speak French, Georgian and Russian. (
Just the kind of movie Brad is eagerly looking forward to ). The title
is the only thing wrong with the movie. It is a story of three
generations of women - the grandmother, the daughter, and the grand
daughter - each of them spins a web of lies, ostensibly to protect the
other two who might be too fragile to face the truth. In the end all
three turn out to be stronger than they themselves imagined. Poignant
and touching it is a lovely gem of a movie. Highly recommended!


Vijay Samalam

Executive Director

San Diego Supercomputer Center

University of California, San Diego

La Jolla, CA 92093-0505


samalam at sdsc.edu



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