[Scamper-dev] skitter code review, Tues Jun 8th, 2-5pm

Young Hyun youngh at caida.org
Wed May 26 14:34:36 PDT 2004

The code review for my improvements to skitter is scheduled for Tues Jun
8th, 2-5pm in room 408.

I'm still working on the code, but because we have Memorial Day and ISMA
next week, I'm sending out pointers to some of the work that can be
reviewed right now.

Changes ready for review:

* arts++ (cvs:arts):

  - cvs diff -u -r before_young_20040504 -r code_review_ready_20040526
  - added list ID and cycle ID to ArtsIpPath and ArtsIpPathData classes

* skitter (cvs:skitter):

  - cvs diff -u -r before_young_20040504 -r code_review_ready_20040526

  - misc. changes in a lot of files that don't need to be code reviewed:
     + fixed "-mkdir" in several Makefile.in
     + changed some C++ code to compile with gcc 2.95

  - cvs:skitter/apps/skitter changes:

    Skitter can be made to work in exactly the manner it did before my
    changes (even the new command line argument is optional).  The
    new features have to be turned on in some way before they take
    effect (e.g., artsVersion must be set to 3, some new skitter config
    lines must be used).

     + SkitterConfig.hh and config.lex:
         added "probeOrder:" and "loop:" options
     + hostlist.lex:
         support for "list:" and "cycle:" lines in the destination
         list file; handling of probe order
     + poll.cc:
         replaced "cycle number" with run number; handling of probe order
     + skitter.cc:
         added support for list ID and cycle ID; handling probe order;
         optional looping; "cycle number" changes

* static-generator (cvs:skitter/apps/skdriver/static-generator):

  This script outputs, on demand, the next segment-size addresses from
  a statically defined destination list.


Pieces not ready for review are

 skitter/apps/skcollected/sksorter -- the program that reads arts files
    and writes cycles into separate files

 skitter/apps/skdriver/skdriver -- the script that downloads and mixes
    lists and executes skitter


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