[Scamper-dev] scamper code review

Matthew Luckie mjl at luckie.org.nz
Fri May 2 12:33:49 PDT 2003

> How much code are we talking?


[mjl at polyprop scamper]$ wc -l *.c
     217 from_binary1.c   <-- to read in binary files
     608 groupie.c        <-- ipv6 version of iffinder
     132 mjl_sockaddr.c   <-- misc bits pulled from other code i've written
    1020 scamper.c        <-- scamper logic
     728 scamper_utils.c  <-- address lists, parsing icmp, sending probes
     285 to_binary1.c     <-- output routines for my simple file format
      19 to_pgsql.c       <-- junk
      88 to_stdout.c      <-- output routines that mimic traceroute
     161 utils.c          <-- misc utils
    3258 total

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