[Scamper-dev] Re: scamper on test machine

Matthew Luckie mjl at luckie.org.nz
Tue Jun 3 08:53:04 PDT 2003

> matthew
> do you have an IPV6 address list suitable for testing on a box
> (we have offers from oregon, F-root boxes, japan, and apnic)


there are addresses in there from 6 sources, separated by a comment
describing the source.

 count | source
   893 | 6bone.db
   149 | DNS walk NS
   146 | google IPv6
    11 | henk at ripe.net
    11 | AMP IPv6

the addresses from the 6bone.db consist of all the application and tunnel
addresses i could strip from that file.  there are about 300 odd addresses
in that list that are actually alive, last time i checked.

The addresses at "DNS walk NS" consist of the IPv6 DNS servers i found
during the DNS walk.  hopefully this list should be reasonably solid.

The addresses in "google IPv6" consist of the IPv6 WWW servers i found
from the first 1000 results to a google search for "IPv6".  hopefully this
list is solid as well.

The addresses in "henk at ripe.net" consist of RIPE TTM monitors

The addresses in "AMP IPv6" consist of amp monitors that can talk IPv6.

The remaining 3500 odd addresses are ones from the DNS walk of ip6.arpa,
which does not cover the 6bone.  There is a lot of junk in the raw file -
some 33000 addresses, 26000 of which were generated automatically and are
unlikely to point at much (and are not included in this list).

that file shows how many PTR records I recovered per /48.  it also has a
column that shows how many /64s are in each /48.

i really should filter / compare these addresses against a route view.

i'm not sure what the quality of addresses required to bootstrap a skitter
is.  hopefully this is a reasonable start.

> dan's back from vacation today and brad says he's going
> to make sure we've tested scamper 'in the wild' by
> the end of this week.  plz keep me informed of results
> (and update your web page on this with a 'what's new')

look forward to it

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